Monday, January 14, 2013

Nanotechnology In Electronics

Real Life Applications Of Nanotechnology In Electronics

Nanotechnology is like a toolkit for the electronics industry. It gives us tools that allow us to make nanomaterials with special properties modified by ultra-fine particle size, crystallinity, structure or surfaces.
These will become commercially important when they give a cost and performance advantage over existing products or allow us to create new products.
Nanotechnology is receiving a lot of attention from companies, universities and governments. The US National Nanotechnology Initiative is matched by initiatives in Europe and Asia. But what does it mean for
existing businesses and new businesses in the electronics market. Is it a real tool for today...or are the applications way out in the future? Will it be economic or outrageously costly? The presentation will outline areas in Nanotechnology with specific impact on semiconductors, passive components, display materials,
packaging and interconnection

Nanotechnology in Textile

Nano Textiles
"Nano Textiles" can be produced by a variety of methods. The key difference among them is whether synthetic nanoparticles are integrated into the fibres or the textile, or are applied as a coating on the surface, and/or whether nanoparticles are added to the nanoscale fibres or coating. However, information about manufacturing methods, the nanomaterials themselves and the quantities used, as well as the "life cycle" of the "nano-treated" textile for sale is largely unavailable to the consumer. The present dossier therefore clarifies nano-textile manufacturing processes and application areas, and gives an overview about the potential effects on the environment and health. Many questions remain unanswered, however, there is a need for considerably more research not only for product development but also into the usefulness and risks which nano-textiles give rise to. The open questions have prompted the Swiss Textile Federation to undertake a joint project with the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA) entitled "Nanosafe Textiles" and to initiate discussions on the topic.
  • Manufacturing processes of fibres and textile surface patterns for nano textiles
  • Application areas and products
  •  The "Hohenstein Quality Label for nanotechnology" in textiles
  •  Are synthetic nanoparticles released from nano-textiles?
  •  Health impact
  •  Effects of nano-silver in textiles on skin flora
  •  Environmental impact 
Read More Click here

Nanotechnology in Sri Lanka

           The Government of Sri Lanka launches  nanotechnology as a priority research area

The Government of Sri Lanka together with the Ministry of Science and Technology launched the Sri Lanka Nanotechnology Initiative in 2007 with the setting up of a Nanotechnology Company (NANCO) with BOI status. A 60 acre property in Homagama has already been ear marked for this project with the Government
pledging to allocate over Rs. 5 billion over the next five years. NANCO will become a holding company in the “science park” to be created in Homagama where new nanotechnology inventions will be commercialized by interested private companies. Coupled to this venture, Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology (SLINTEC), whose goals are more immediate, was set up in 2008 as a private company. SLINTEC is a Rs. 420 million venture with the Government investing 50% and five joint venture partners namely Hayleys, Mas Holdings, Brandix, Loadstar and Dialog equally investing the rest. The Ministry of Science and Technology is the focal point of the Government’s investment which will oversee its responsibilities through the National Science Foundation. Under its mandate, SLINTEC will provide an industrial platform, based on nanotechnology research solutions within three years, to the existing product line up of these companies, thus enhancing their global competiveness. Nanotechnology is the creation and manipulation of materials 100 nanometers or less with a nanometer amounting to a billionth of a meter; it is ultimately the manipulation of atoms and molecules leading to the fabrication of nano-structured materials. These nano materials possess very different physical, chemical, electrical, or optical properties compared to their bulk state. Thus, nanotechnology provides the tools to do cutting edge research, where it becomes an enabling technology encompassing chemistry, physics, engineering and biology. There has been an infusion of major funding in
developed countries such as the US, Japan and the EU

 where expectations are high that nanotechnology would become a multitrillion dollar industry by the year 2015. In concert to these efforts, developing nations such as India, China, Brazil, Malaysia, South Africa, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Philippines, and Thailand too have invested a good percentage of their science and technology budgets to promote nanotechnology. To these developing countries nanotechnology would not
only provide an opportunity to leap frog their technological base but also solve their economic, social and environmental problems. No doubt Sri Lanka’s entry into nanotechnology research is timely and visionary.
SLINTEC which will begin research in July 2009 will be equipped with sophisticated and costly instrumentation (purchased through NANCO) and a “clean room” suited for nano fabrication. For an individual researcher these start up costs are prohibitive but when you blend research
communities together, as achieved at SLINTEC, it would create interdisciplinary synergies that could lead to significant breakthroughs. Investment into nanotechnology “technopreneurship” through NANCO and SLINTEC, the Government has recognized that scientists can make a big difference in national development by helping to exploit good technologies. However, nanotechnology should be implemented with care and synergy with the environment and a careful life cycle analysis of products. For example, several reports allude to the toxic effects caused by the release of nano particles to the environment. Since benefits would out weight pit falls, it is essential that the scientific community in Sri Lanka begin an “upstream” dialogue with the public and solve the problems that nanotechnology may lead to while carrying out research. In this regard, it is important to note that SLINTEC is committed to sustainable nanotechnology where a sustainability screen would be applied to all the research they undertake.


Nanotechnology in the Food Industry

Nanotechnology in the Food Market
Nanotechnology has been described as the new industrial revolution and both developed and developing countries are investing in this technology to secure a market share. At present the USA leads with a 4 year, 3.7 billion USD investment through its National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI). The USA is followed by Japan and the European Union, which have both committed substantial funds (750 million and 1.2 billion, including individual country contributions, respectively per year).3 The level of funding in developing countries may be comparatively lower, however this has not lessened the impact of some countries on the global stage. For example, China's share of academic publications in nanoscale science and engineering topics rose from 7.5% in 1995 to 18.3% in 2004, taking the country from fifth to second in the world.Others such as India, South Korea, Iran, and Thailand are also catching up with a focus on applications specific to the economic growth and needs of their countries. Iran for example has a focused programme in nanotechnology for the agricultural and food industry. A recent study from the Helmuth Kaiser Consultancy predicts that the nanofood market will surge from 2.6 billion USD to 20.4 billion USD by 2010. The report suggests that with more than 50% of the world population, the largest market for Nanofood in 2010 will be Asia lead by China.


Nanotechnology in Medicine

Nanotechnology can be defined as the manipulation, precision-placement, modeling and manufacture of material at the nanometer scale (One meter consists of 1 billion nanometers) (Donaldson, Stone, 2004). It promises to provide many useful applications in many fields. Alex Griffin, a nanotechnology exhibitionist, said “Nanotechnology is going to be the next big tiny thing. But most people have no idea what it is or how it is going to affect them” (Harry, 2005).

Nanotechnology, when used with biology or medicine, is referred to as Nanobiotechnology. This technology should be used very carefully because the lives of human beings are being dealt with. If used properly, it can be very effective in providing treatments with minimal side-effects.


This section discusses the advantages of nanotechnology, different assembly approaches and applications in various fields.
A. Advantages of using Nanotechnology
All manufactured products are made from molecules. The properties of these products depends on how molecules are arranged. For example if we arrange molecules in coal we get diamonds.
                                  Figure 1. All products are made individual molecules(Perkel, 2004)
Nanotechnology is the science and engineering involved at the nanometer scale (molecular level). At this scale we consider individual molecules and interaction between those molecules. Therefore nanotechnology can be used to achieve positional control with a high degree of specificity. Thus our products can have the desired physical and chemical properties. This is the greatest advantage of using nanotechnology and brings mankind one step closer towards perfection. (Silva, 2004)

B. Assembly approaches
There are two main approaches for the synthesis of nano-engineered materials. They can be classified on the basis of how molecules are assembled to achieve the desired product.
1. Top – down technique
The top – down technique begins with taking a macroscopic material (the finished product) and then incorporating smaller scale details into them. The molecules are rearranged to get the desired property. This approach is still not viable as many of the devices used to operate at nanolevel are still being developed. (Silva, 2004)
2. Bottom – up approach
The bottom – up approach begins by designing and synthesizing custom made molecules that have the ability to self- replicate. These molecules are then organized into higher macro-scale structures. The molecules self replicate upon the change in specific physical or chemical property that triggers the self replication. This can be a change in temperature, pressure, application of electricity or a chemical. The self replication of molecule has to be carefully controlled so it does not go out of hand. (Silva, 2004)

C. Applications in various fields
Nanotechnology should let us make almost every manufactured product faster, lighter, stronger, smarter, safer and cleaner. The following are some areas in which nanotechnology can have tremendous consequences.
• Transportation
• Atomic Computers
• Military Applications
• Solar cells


This section discusses the applications of nanotechnology in the field of health care. These applications can remarkably improve the current treatments of some diseases and help save the lives of many.

A. Drug Delivery System
1. What are nanobots and why use them?
Nanobots are robots that carry out a very specific function and are just several nanometers wide. They can be used very effectively for drug delivery. Normally, drugs work through the entire body before they reach the disease-affected area. Using nanotechnology, the drug can be targeted to a precise location which would make the drug much more effective and reduce the chances of possible side-effects. Figure 1 below shows a device that uses nanobots to monitor the sugar level in the blood. (Perkel, 2004)

              Figure 2. Device Using Nanobots for Checking Blood Contents (Amazing Nanobots)

2. Drug delivery procedure
The drug carriers have walls that are just 5-10 atoms thick and the inner drug-filled cell is usually 50-100 nanometers wide. When they detect signs of the disease, thin wires in their walls emit an electrical pulse which causes the walls to dissolve and the drug to be released. Aston Vicki, manager of BioSante Pharmaceuticals, says “Putting drugs into nanostructures increases the solubility quite substantially”. (Harry, 2005)

3. Advantages of using nanobots for drug delivery
A great advantage of using nanobots for drug delivery is that the amount and time of drug release can be easily controlled by controlling the electrical pulse (Harry, 2005). Furthermore, the walls dissolve easily and are therefore harmless to the body. Elan Pharmaceuticals, a large drug company, has already started using this technology in their drugs Merck’s Emend and Wyeth’s Rapamune (Adhikari, 2005).

B. Disease Diagnosis and Prevention
1. Diagnosis and Imaging
Nanobiotech scientists have successfully produced microchips that are coated with human molecules. The chip is designed to emit an electrical impulse signal when the molecules detect signs of a disease. Special sensor nanobots can be inserted into the blood under the skin where they check blood contents and warn of any possible diseases. They can also be used to monitor the sugar level in the blood. Advantages of using such nanobots are that they are very cheap to produce and easily portable. (Harry, 2005)

2. Quantum dots
Quantum dots are nanomaterials that glow very brightly when illuminated by ultraviolet light. They can be coated with a material that makes the dots attach specifically to the molecule they want to track. Quantum dots bind themselves to proteins unique to cancer cells, literally bringing tumors to light. (Weiss, 2005)
Figure 3. A LIGHT IN DARK PLACES: Spectral imaging of quantum dots. Orange-red fluorescence signals indicate a prostate tumor growing in a live mouse (Perkel, 2004)

3. Preventing diseases
a. heart-attack prevention
Nanobots can also be used to prevent heart-attacks. Heart-attacks are caused by fat deposits blocking the blood vessels. Nanobots can be made for removing these fat deposits (Harry, 2005). The following figure shows nanobots removing the yellow fat deposits on the inner side of blood vessels.
                                    Figure 4. Nanobots Preventing Heart-attacks (Heart View)
b. frying tumors
Nanomaterials have also been investigated into treating cancer. The therapy is based on “cooking tumors” principle. Iron nanoparticles are taken as oral pills and they attach to the tumor. Then a magnetic field is applied and this causes the nanoparticles to heat up and literally cook the tumors from inside out. (Adhikari, 2005)
Figure 5. Cancer Cooker- Triton BioSystems is developing an anticancer therapy using antibody-coated iron nanoparticles. (Perkel, 2004)

C. Tissue Reconstruction
Nanoparticles can be designed with a structure very similar to the bone structure. An ultrasound is performed on existing bone structures and then bone-like nanoparticles are created using the results of the ultrasound (Silva, 2004). The bone-like nanoparticles are inserted into the body in a paste form (Adhikari, 2005). When they arrive at the fractured bone, they assemble themselves to form an ordered structure which later becomes part of the bone (Adhikari, 2005)
Another key application for nanoparticles is the treatment of injured nerves. Samuel Stupp and John Kessler at Northwestern University in Chicago have made tiny rod like nano-fibers called amphiphiles. They are capped with amino acids and are known to spur the growth of neurons and prevent scar tissue formation. Experiments have shown that rat and mice with spinal injuries recovered when treated with these nano-fibers. (Weiss, 2005)

D. Medical Tools
Nano-devices are nanoparticles that are created for the purpose of interacting with cells and tissues and carrying out very specific tasks (Silva, 2004). The most famous nano-devices are the imaging tools. Oral pills can be taken that contain miniature cameras. These cameras can reach deep parts of the body and provide high resolution pictures of cells as small as 1 micron in width (A red blood cell is 7 microns wide) (Perkel, 2004). This makes them very useful for diagnosis and also during operations. Figure 4 below shows such cameras working with other nanoparticles to get rid of a disease.

                           Figure 6. Miniature Cameras Inside Blood Vessels(Blender Battles)
An accelerometer is a very useful nano-device that can be attached to the hip, knee or other joint bones to monitor movements and strain levels. Dressings can be coated with silver nanoparticles to make them infection-resistant. The nanoparticles kill bacteria and therefore reduce chances of infection. (Adhikari, 2005)


Nanotechnology is a potentially limitless collection of technologies and associated materials. “[But] the very properties that make nanoparticles useful for new applications are also the very properties that can increase their harmfulness ”(Donaldson,Stone, 2004). Furthermore, in developing this technology, little attention is being focused on its environmental and health implications. For example in the year 2004, the US government spent roughly $1 billion on nanotechnology, less that $8.5 million (less than 1%) was spent on the environmental and health implications (Balbus et al-2005).

A. Environmental Problems
The greatest risk to the environment lies in the rapid expansion and development of nanoparticles using large scale production (Donaldson, Stone, 2004). A recent Rice University study showed that certain nanoparticles have a tendency to form aggregates that are very water soluble and bacteriocidal(capable of killing bacteria) and that can be catastrophic as bacteria are the foundation of the ecosystem (Balbus et al-2005). Scientists also fear that nanoparticles may damage the ozone layer (Perkel, 2004). Many people fear that nanoparticles may self-replicate and cover the earth’s landscape with ‘grey goo’. However scientists assure that this cannot happen and is a scientific fantasy (Donaldson, Stone, 2004).

Figure 7. Earth covered with grey goo, the fear of many but just a scientific fantasy ( Earth buried in Nanobots )

B. Health Problems
The risk of nanoparticles to the health of human beings is of far greater concern. James Baker, director of the Center for Biologic Nanotechnology at the University of Michigan, says “ Any time you put a material into something as complex as a human being, it has multiple effects ” (Perkel, 2004). Nanoparticles are likely to make contact with the body via the lungs, intestines and skin.
1. Risk to Lungs
Nanoparticles are very light and can easily become airborne. They can easily be inhaled during the manufacturing process where dust clouds are a common occurrence. Particles passing into the walls of air passage can worsen existing air disease such as asthma and bronchitis and can be fatal. (Donaldson, Stone, 2004)
The following illustration shows how nanoparticles can be inhaled and travel throughout the body.

Figure 8. Tracing how nanoparticles can be inhaled and travel to the brain, lungs and the bloodstream (Donaldson, Stone, 2004)
2. Effects on Brain
Some nanoparticles that are inhaled through the nose can move upward into the base of the brain. This may damage the brain and the nervous system and could be fatal. (Donaldson, Stone, 2004)

3. Problems in Blood 
Nanoparticles flowing thorough the bloodstream may affect the clotting system which may result in a heart-attack. If these nanoparticles travel to organs like the heart or the liver, they may affect the functionality of these organs. (Donaldson, Stone, 2004)

C. Feasibility Problems
 1. Expense
Conducting research on nanotechnology is very expensive. An article in the Nanotech Report 2004 claimed that global investment on nanotechnology has reached:
• $8.6 billion: Total investment
• $4.6 billion from government
• $3.8 billion form corporate research and development
• $200 million from venture capitalists (Perkel, 2004).
At present the tools for developing nanotechnology are very basic and we still need more investment to reap the benefits of this great technology.

2. Lack of knowledge and research
Money is not the only problem. There is a lack of qualified individuals who can research and develop the technology. Many of the methods and tools needed to characterize nanomaterials are still in a very early stage of development (Balbus et al-2005). A nationwide survey from North Caroline University in Raleigh found that around 80% of Americans knew nothing about nanotechnology (Perkel, 2004). For there to be further development in this field, more professionals are needed along with large sums of money.

D. Ethical Dilemma
The most important feature of nanotechnology is that it gives us control over individual molecules. “ Every patho-physiological process has a molecular origin, and it is from this basic fact that the [tremendous potential of nanotechnology to medicine arises]” (Silva, 2004). Scientists believe that nanotechnlogy could give man a better quality of life, power to prevent diseases, speed up tissue reconstruction and alter his genetic sequence (Silva, 2004). Unfortunately these promises are coupled with ethical implications which must be considered, if not resolved before the field of nanotechnology reaches its fullest potential.
The question arises, Who is in control? Nanotechnology introduces things that are not natural or foreseen, such as genetically modified organisms. At this point there is no established system to regulate nanotechnology and there is no specific entity to control it. With the ability to identify and manipulate specific genetic sequences, people will seek the effects of good genes. People are already using this technology to modify their unborn children to have the right hair or eye color. In doing this people risk losing their individuality.
No doubt the benefits of this technology are innumerable but before taking any step we should think about the implications and the focus should be on developing a safe nanotechnology industry.

Nanotechnology is still in its early stages. The applications discussed in this report have already been developed and are already helping patients all over the world. As further research continues in this field, more treatments will be discovered. Many diseases that do not have cures today may be cured by nanotechnology in the future. Some of the concerns were also discussed but with proper care these problems can be avoided. Scientists who are against the use of nanotechnology also agree that advancement in nanotechnology should continue because this field promises great benefits, but testing should be carried out to ensure the safety of the people. If everything runs smoothly, nanotechnology will one day become part of our everyday life and will help save many lives.

1. Adhikari, Raju. “Nanobiotechnology: Will It Deliver?” Healthcare Purchasing News. Jan. 2005: 1-3. < articles/mi_m0BPC/is_1_29/ai_n8708476> (12 Nov. 2006).
2. Amazing Nanobots. <> (25 Dec. 2006).
3. Balbus, John, et al. “Getting Nanotechnology Right the First Time.” Issues in Science and Technology 2005: 1-4.
< > (7 Nov. 2006).
4. Blender Battles. < 10002/n_nanobots.jpg> (3 Nov. 2005).
5. Donaldson, Ken, and Vicki Stone. “Nanoscience Fact Versus Fiction.” Association for Computing Machinery (Nov. 2004): 113. Full Text (ABI/INFORM. ProQuest).
6. Earth Buried In Nanobots. <> (20. Nov. 2006).
7. Heart View. < ARTERY.jpg> (7 Nov. 2005).
8. Perkel, M Jeffrey. “The Ups and Downs of Nanobiotech.” The Scientist 30 Aug. 2004: 1-8 <> (12 Nov. 2006).
9. Roman, Harry. “Micro and Nanotechnology--The Next Big Tiny Thing?” Mercer Business. 1 Jan. 2005: 1-4. < articles/mi_qa3697/is_200501/ai_n9521342> (12 Nov. 2006).

10. Silva, Gabriel A. “Introduction to Nanotechnology and Its Applications to Medicine.” Surgical Neurology 61.3 (Mar. 2004): 216-220. <http://> (5 Nov. 2006).
11. Weiss, Rick. “Nanomedicine’s Promise Is Anything but Tiny.” Washington Post
31 Jan. 2005: 1-3. <> (8 Nov. 2006)

(Prepared for Mr. Jeffery Jameson)

Monday, January 7, 2013

World Heritage in Srilanka - Sinharajaya

Sinharaja Rain forest

Inscribed on the World Heritage list in 1988, Sinharaja is the last viable remnant of Sri Lanka's tropical lowland rainforest. Situated in the south – west lowland wet zone within Sabaragamu and Southern provinces it covers an area of 11,187 hectares of primary and secondary forests. This narrow strip of undulating terrain consists of a series of ridges and valleys. It is drained by an intricate network of streams, which flow into the Gin Ganga on the southern boundary and Kalu Ganga, on the northern boundary.
The Sinharaja region has long featured in the legends and lore, and its name, literally in meaning lion (sinha) king (raja), perhaps refer to that original "king -sized" or royal forest. It was in 1936 that Sinharaja was fist recognized as being "the only considerable patch of virgin tropical rainforest in the Island". Owing to its inaccessibility and steep, hilly terrain, the reserve remain untouched until 1968 when a government directive was issued to extract timber for the plywood sawmill and chipwood complex established at Kosgama. From 1971 until 1977, when the logging was banned, largely due to public pressure, about 14000 ha of forest in the western sector were selectively logged. Since 1977, the Forest Department has given high priority to protecting the reserve and in 1978 began planting Pinus caribaea along the periphery to establish a live boundary and a buffer zone. Sinharaja was accepted by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve in 1978. Recognizing the need for maximum possible protection the site in near declared as a National Heritage Wilderness Area under the National Heritage wilderness Areas Act No. 03 of 1988 of Sri Lanka's 830 endemic pecies, 217 trees and woody climbers are found in the low land wet zone. Of these, 139 (64%) have been recorded in the reserve, 16 of which are considered to rare. A variety of plants of known benefit to than such as palm kitul, wewal, cardamom, dun and weniwal are present. There are 21 endemic bird species found in the reserve and a number of rare insects, reptiles and amphibians. Being the habitat for rare and endangered species and an outstanding site for study of the process of biological evolution, the reserve was declared as a World Heritage Site in 1988.
Sinharaja is the best location to see mixed species bird flocks. According to a study carried out on the mixed species bird flocks, 42 individual birds occur in the flocks on average, which makes this the world's largest mixed species bird flock. The mixed species Bird flock study of Sinharaja forest has been continuing since 1981 and is considered as the World's longest studied bird flock study. On a birding trip to Sinharaja a birdwatcher can see close to 18 of the 27 endemic bird species although the actual number of endemic birds recorded at Sinharaja is more. The former logging roads provide the best access for prime birding in Sinharaja where a mixed species bird flock and give you with a mouthwatering selection which include Orange- billed Babbler, Crested Drongo, Red–faced Malkoha, Ashy–headed Laughing Thrush, Green-billed Coucal, Lesser Yellownape, Orange Minivet, Indian Scimitar Babbler, Black- napped Monarch, Yellow fronted Barbet, White–faced Starling, Sri Lanka Spurfowl, Yellow-browed Bulbul, Bronze- winged Pigeon, Spot- winged Thrush, Sri Lanka Myna, Legge's Flowerpecker, Brown–backed Needletail, Green Imperial Pigeon, Sri Lanka Blue Magpie, Chestnut- backed Owlet, Sri Lanka Frogmouth, Sealy Thrush, Sri Lanka Hanging Parrot, Black- throated Munia, Layard's Parakeet, Black Eagle, Crested Goshawk, Dark- fronted Babbler and Velvut- fronted Nuthatch, As the dusk falls you could look for the sub-continental endemic Sri Lanka Frogmouth.